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An IDF Chanukah with Belev Echad

Posted on Sunday, 12/21/2014

Belev Echad dispatched a team of young merry makers to spread the light of Chanukah to IDF soldiers on duty. Knowing that being away from loved ones for the holiday is hard, we arrived equipped with Sufganiyot (donuts), Chanukiahs (Menorahs) and good cheer for our boys and girls on the front lines.


The first night of Chanukah was spent at a border basecamp, with troops protecting our holy land, gave celebrating the holiday of Jewish victory over our oppressors a particular poignancy. There, we enjoyed the traditional treats, lit the Menorah and shared what Chanukah meant to us. We helped Ari, one soldier, celebrate his birthday.


The second night, we attended the memorial of a fallen hero, and then returned to the base and lit the Menorah, which led into lively dancing – the soldiers reminding us, that amongst all the upheaval, we are still here, and that is something worth celebrating.